Complete ongoing application

Welcome back to, where we make it simple to pick up right where you left off with your Botswana visa application. We understand interruptions happen, but they should help you on your exciting journey to Botswana. Let us help you navigate through the final steps of your application, ensuring you're ready for the adventure that awaits in Botswana!

No More Delays: Complete Your Application Today

Pausing your visa application process can happen for many reasons, often due to the temporary unavailability of certain documents. Now that you're ready to continue, we've made the process of resuming your application both straightforward and secure.

Here's How to Get Moving Again:

  • Enter Your Temporary Application ID: When you started your application, you were given this unique ID. It should look something like "BW0000000ABC". Please input it exactly as provided.
  • Hit the “Complete partially filled application” button to fetch your incomplete application.

By following these steps, you can quickly track your application, avoid unnecessary restarts, and move one step closer to finalising your travel plans.



Apply eVisa